Socialization & Playgroups
Some dogs are still kids, and they need to play and get their Yaya's out by playing with other dogs. Some dogs come to our playgroups looking like danger but with a little support from me learn how to behave safely around other dogs. In the summertime we have a pool party at the pond which the dogs love, but they have to have a formal recall, so they don't run away most dogs will stay with the pack though.
Dogs are still kids, and they need to play like kids with each other
Builds confidence and control around different dogs
Learn about play styles
Learn about pack hierarchy
Learn about conflict-resolution
Learn how to get control of your dog off leash around other dogs, safely
Learn how to defuse dog fights and what to do when dogs do fight
Learn what is appropriate dog-to-dog social skills and what is not
Learn when to step in and help the dogs and when to stand back and let the dogs work things out
Learn about fear, aggression, dominance and submission in dogs
Learn how to be a pack leader
Learn how to use tools for safety
Learn when a its time to remove a dog or when a dog is not appropriate for socialization
more, more, more...
Meet once a week for one hour of fun and learning
You and your dog will meet and make new friends in the community
This is off-leash socialization
You must contact Sarah before coming to your first playgroup