Shelter Training Program
Sarah had the privilege of working for seven years in one of the most progressive behavior departments in the shelter Industry. She also traveled the Country for three years helping teach pieces of the program including playgroups to over 100 shelters. Sarah is currently working with Clear Lake Animal Care and control. She provides Training for the staff and volunteers, does assessments on the dogs, provides Board & Train to dogs needing some professional training before adoption, she helps to rehome the dogs she works with, and provides support to adopters who adopt a dog that shows behavior problems in the home. Sarah also works with Humane Society for Inland Mendocino. Sarah provides Training for the staff and volunteers, helps with training protocols for difficult dogs, provides Board & Train to dogs needing some professional training before adoption, and provides support to adopters who adopt a dog that shows behavior problems in the home. Sarah also works with Orphan Dog Rescue, providing Board & Train to the dogs that need training before adoption. Sarah is also collaborating with RHAP & TC (Rockstar Hounds Adoption Program & Training Center) which is offering a solution to dogs that do not fare well in traditional cages and environment. Sarah will provide the staff and volunteers with the education and hands on training they will need to learn how to properly evaluate the dogs, handle and train the dogs, learn dog psychology and behavior modification, and learn how to properly match dogs with the right owner. She will also provide public training to adopters and people in the community.

Donate to help provide training to shelter and rescue dogs. All the money collected will go into the housing, feeding, training, and building of programs that are used to help more at need shelter dogs.